How long is the Blue Tokai gift card valid for?
- The Blue Tokai gift card comes with a validity of 1 year.
Can I use my accrued rewards when generating a voucher for Blue Tokai?
- Yes, you can use a maximum of 10% of your accrued rewards when generating a voucher for Blue Tokai.
How many virtual cards can I club in a single order for Blue Tokai?
- You can club up to 5 virtual cards in a single order for Blue Tokai.
Can I club all brand-funded offers during a purchase at Blue Tokai?
- Yes, all brand-funded offers can be clubbed during a purchase at Blue Tokai.
How do I redeem my Blue Tokai gift card for Cafe redemptions?
- For Cafe redemptions, a QR code will be provided for you to scan. Upon scanning, a website will open on your mobile where you can enter the gift card number and pin to redeem the card.