How long is the Decathlon gift voucher valid for?
- The Decathlon gift voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
Can I use my accrued rewards to purchase a Decathlon gift voucher?
- Yes, you can use up to a maximum of 10% of your accrued rewards when generating a voucher for Decathlon.
Can I combine multiple brand-funded offers when using a Decathlon gift card?
- Yes, all brand-funded offers can be clubbed together during your purchase at Decathlon.
How do I use my Decathlon gift voucher online?
- Visit the Decathlon app, website, or store, choose the products you wish to buy, during online checkout click on "Add your gift card", enter your 16-digit code and 6-digit PIN, and click on Get details.
How do I use my Decathlon gift voucher offline?
- Simply share the voucher details with the cashier during checkout at the Decathlon store.