How can I use my Fab Hotels gift voucher?
Visit, select the property, proceed to book, and enter your voucher code during checkout to reduce the amount from the invoice.
Can I use my Fab Hotels gift voucher more than once?
No, the Fab Hotels gift voucher can only be used once. Any unused amount will lapse.
Are there any specific recommendations for using my Fab Hotels gift voucher?
We recommend generating the card for the exact amount you plan to shop for or less to ensure no unused balance remains.
Where can I find more information about using my Fab Hotels gift voucher?
You can watch a step-by-step video guide on how to use your Fab Hotels gift voucher at
Can I share my Fab Hotels gift voucher with someone else?
Yes, you can use your Fab Hotels gift voucher for gifting purposes by sharing the voucher code with someone else to use during checkout.